Shivansh Sharma

I am a Developer who loves to code and solve complex problems with creative solutions....

Full Stack Developer

I am working as a Full Stack Developer for Dynalight , where everyday we work to Improve Dynalight suite of services


I completed my Bachelors in Computer Science from Jaypee University Of Engineering and Technology in the year 2021, which is located in Guna, Madhya Pradesh.I was also the secretary of Developement Club of the college.

n∈Rn = -1/12

I know how to solve this equation plus i don't want to visit those 10 places before i die but i love to travel places.

Work Experience

During my Bachelors I successfully completed 2 internships, in the field of Full Stack Development and Front-end Devlopment.

Full Stack Developer


Migrated Dynalight suite of Applications from php(symphony) to JavaScript(Node.js) Microservices Architecture.

Software Developer Engineer


During working in the UI team,I worked on React.js,Next.js and also wrote vanilla JS for some projects.

Software Developement Intern


Located in Noida, India. I Contributed on an E-commerce portal by creating responsive front-end components .Also worked with various project related API’s and parsed the JSON response and utilized it .

Full Stack Developer Intern


A remote internship where i worked on Created PDF generating API’s from scratch for various business tasks like certificate, receipts for massive data using node.js and npm-packages .


Know India web app is basically an tourist guide portal for the users which could help them to know more about their favourite tourist destination at their fingertips . It has separate admin panel which can add, remove, edit, delete cities with their respective pictures and description with user signup up which is secured with JWT token authentication strategy.


Minerva Music is an Web app which can be used for searching music of your favourite artist and listen to your favourite songs and see latest artists playlist. It was created using angular 2+ and used Spotify Web-dev API in backend for important data retrieval.


Its an Annual tech fest website for attracting crowd which is based on a Web template which is modified according to the need.

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